Electrosynthesis of Energy Carriers & Value-Added Products
Electrosynthesis of Energy Carriers & Value-Added Products
We work on a shortcut to the H2 economyWelcome to the Halter Group! Our reseach combines classical organometallic synthesis with materials science, to develop atomically precise electrocatalysts for the efficient laboratory scale electro-synthesis of organic energy carriers and value-added products. Specifically, the electrocatalytic hydrogenation (ECH) of organic compounds is a key interest, as ECH is a highly auspicious strategy to directly convert renewable electricity into chemical energy carriers and fine chemicals, without the challenging complications of handling and storing gaseous H2 at any point.
Group News:
September 2024:
Congratulations to Helena and Yang for getting their paper on Ex Situ Electro-Organic Synthesis as a new method for the synthesis of challenging product combinations in paired electrolysis accepted in ChemElectroChem! Looking forward to explore further possibilities and cool things that can be done with this approach :). July 2024: Exciting News: Dr. Mohamed Abdelkodous (PhD from Toyohashi University, Japan; currently postdoctoral researcher at University of British Columbia, Canada) was awarded a prestigious Humboldt Fellowship to join our group as a postdoctoral researcher. We are looking forward to some fun projects on membrane-electrode assemblies for electro-organic synthesis. May 2024: Congratulations to Patrick and our alumnus Alexander Frantz for having their paper on electro hydrogenation of 1-octene with H2O at Ir pincer complex [(tBuPCP)Ir(H)(Cl)] accepted in Angewandte Chemie. Also a big thank you to Markus Drees for his support with DFT calculations! March 2024: We welcome Tommy Andrijanic for his research internship on alkene electro-epoxidation with Helena! We are excited to host you and to see what you find out with your project. Best of luck! February 2024: Congratulations to Yang, Patrick and Attila for getting their paper on miniature Ag/AgCl reference electrodes for aqueous and organic electrolyte accepted in ChemElectroChem! We hope these new devices can support the research of beginners, student lab courses, and experts in electrochemistry. January 2024: We welcome Felix Yue for his bachelor thesis on electro-hydrogenation, targeting alternative mechanisms with Ir-pincer catalysts in acidic conditions, as well as new cobalt catalysts. Best of luck and enjoy your stay with us! December 2023: Two of our papers made it out to review before the X-mas break. Everybody keep your fingers crossed for our first-authors Patrick and Yang! October 2023: Welcome to Giannis, who now arrived at TUM to study his first-row transition metal complexes bearing metal-arene bonds with us. Best of luck and enjoy your ERASMUS+ stay! Our second collaboration here at TUM with Roland Fischer and Alexander Pöthig on electrically conductive MOFs, enhanced by metal-sulfur bond covalency is now accepted in Inorganic Chemistry. Congratulations to the first author Margit Aust and thanks for the exciting work together! July 2023: Whoohoo! Our First TUM callaboration with Angela Casini and Denise Lovison is just accepted in ACS Catalysis! Such multi-dimensional work in one paper covering ruthenium coordination chemistry, transfer hydrogenation catalysis, electrochemical investigations, and anti-cancer studies is only possible in a great team with talented collaborators. It was a pleasure to contribute, and we will see what comes next! Ioannis "Giannis" Vagiakos, a very talented Studend from the befriended Tsoureas group at the University of Athens was just awarded an ERASMUS+ Fellowship to join our team here at TUM in October for a four-months research stay. Giannis, we are excited to host you and look forward to be inspired by the low-valent titanium chemistry you bring to our lab! June 2023: Great news: Our talented master student Tianyin Huang was awarded a prestigious fellowship of the CSC high level PhD program, to do his PhD in our group. We are looking forward to some electro- hydrogenation of arenes :). April 2023: A new group member and a new paper! Welcome Yi-Pin (Anthony) Wei who joined our team for a research internship, studying mixed metal nickel/cobalt materials for electro oxidation catalysis with Helena. In collaboration with Judith Riedhammer and Karsten Meyer (FAU Erlangen), Dominik's first Review as a corresponding author is now accepted in Chemical Reviews. A systematic analysis of electrochemistry data of over 200 uranium complexes allowed us to derive a new set of uranium calibrated ligand field parameters that now allow precise predictions for reactivity and redox potential tuning by ligand field modifications. November 2022: A very warm welcome to Junhong Chen, who joins us as a isiting researcher and prospective PhD student! Junhong finished his master's degree with great success at the Technion in Haifa and will start working on developing new pathways for ketone electro-hydrogenation. Best of luck Junhong! October 2022: Another awesome Update from Helena: it was just announced that she was awarded a prestigious PhD Fellowship by the DBU (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt), to fund her PhD project on electrocatalytic oxidation reactions with water. We are very happy to have your position in our team secured for the upcoming years now! April 2022: After many months of online ZOOM group meetings, we are thrilled to welcome Helena Pletsch to our team! After obtaining her master's degree in chemical engineering from the University of Sao Paulo, Helena joined us as visiting researcher and prospective PhD student in chemistry here at TUM. She will work on electrocatalytic oxygen atom transfer reactions, mediated by transition metal electrodes and MOF materials. It took a lot of effort from many people involved, but FINALLY ;) our new laboratory in the second floor of the CRC is fully equipped and ready to use! It is awesome to unite the team in one lab now, and we are very very grateful for the tremendous support by the CRC and by Prof. Roland Fischer and his chair! A great occasion to start the lab-bbq season for this year with a big kick-off event hosted by us ;). March 2022: Combining the outstanding work of master student Patrick Mollik and research intern Alexander Frantz, we have now submitted the group's first paper on electro-hydrogenation for review and deposited the pre-print on ChemRxiv: DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2022-5r738 Further great news are that Alexander thinks "all good things come in threes" and re-joins our group for the third time, to now do his master thesis with us. He will explore cationic electro-hydrogenation catalysts with drastically reduced overpotentials. Best of luck Alex, keep the papers coming ;) Finally, we welcome Noah Richter to the group as a research intern, to kick off our first project on "not atomically precise" electrocatalyst materiasl ;). Best of luck Noah! February 2022: A new collaboration with the Pöthig group here at TUM is initiated, to study electrochemistry and redox properties of supramolecular compounds. It is exciting to see the first results come in! January 2022: New team members arrived! We welcome Pascal Fink for his master thesis on electrocatalytic oxygen transfer reactions, and Tianyin Huang for his research internship on structure-reactivity tuning of molecular electro-hydrogenation catalysts. Best of luck to both of you! December 2021: It is safe to say that Patrick has evolved into an expert for LIDFI-MS analysis of in situ produced catalyst species to detect key intermediates in electro-hydrogenation. The powerful method will be of long-term importance for our lab! We are very happy that Alexander Frantz chose to continue working with us for his "Catalysis Research Internship". As a by now experienced electrochemist in the group, he forms a strong team with Patrick to finalize work on our group's first project. November 2021: After months of project planning, proposal writing, and remote discussions between Garching and Budapest, it is exciting to now welcome Attila to our group in person, currently as a research intern. With several people working on electro-reductions, it is a huge step forward for us that now Attila gets the ball rolling on electro-oxidations with molecular catalysts. Best of luck! October 2021: Whohoo! Yang arrived in Garching and started strong with his first MOF syntheses and derivatization steps. Looking forward to see the catalysis in action! Best of Luck for your PhD Yang, it is awesome to have you on our team! September 2021: Welcome to Huy Hai-Dang Phan aka Victor, who joined us for his bachelor's thesis project on electronic strucutre tuning of molecular hydrogenation electrocatalysts. After fruitful discussions and project planning, It is awesome to finally have you on board, best of luck! August 2021: Two new team members have joined this summer: Alexander Frantz for a research lab course project to study the electrochemistry of multiple catalyst variants that he & Patrick made, and a brand new PalmSens4 potentiostat. Exciting times ahead, GO Team! July 2021: We are thrilled that with Richard Zell a second master student has jouned the team! Richard will investigate innovative substrates to enable a drastic process simplification for renewable energy storage based on electrocatalytic hydrogenation. Welcome Richard and best of luck! June 2021: Very proud to share the good news: Yang Lyu was awarded a prestigious CSC Scholarship and will join the group as a PhD Student in September to work on solid state electrocatalysts for site selective hydrogenation. Very well done Yang, we are thrilled to have you with us soon! We are very happy to have Patrick Mollik join the group as our first master student. He will be working on group 9 pincer complexes as molecular hydrogenation electrocatalysts. Welcome Patrick and best of luck in the lab! |
We are associated with the Chair of Inorganic and Metal-Organic Chemistry and have our laboratory space at the CRC
Funding that fuels our renewable energy research: